Thursday, September 20, 2018

Blog #2

Exactly a year ago today, Hurricane Maria devastated the lives of residents and visitors in Puerto Rico. The storm was so severe that many deaths were reported and the majority of homes were in ruins. New York Times published a very informative article for the anniversary of the hurricane to let all readers become aware of the devastation that is still occurring today. As well as expressing the emphasis of this major setback for Puerto Ricans. The article, "On Hurricane Maria Anniversary, Puerto Rico Is Still In Ruins," is written by Frances Robles and Jugal K. Patel.

I strongly suggest reading this article, as it will open your eyes to the pain and suffering of these poor people that are forced to cling to the graciousness of non-profit organizations and donators that ultimately provide their monthly income. Along with, their frustration and lack of trust in the United States' Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). 

Blog #7

Gender   Inequality in the US workforce is an ongoing issue that is becoming more and more evident each day. The unfairness of wages betwee...