Thursday, October 4, 2018

Blog #3

       On October 3rd, the Editorial Board for the Washington Post released an article called, “Trump makes a mockery – of himself.” This is a heated and opinionated article that has the public in shock right now due to Trump's mockery toward Christine Bailey Ford's accusation of being “sexually assaulted” by Brett M. Kavanaugh. This article expresses resentment toward Trump specifically for his inconsiderate assumption of Ms. Ford being foolish throughout the night, rather than truly respecting her accusation of this possibly occurring. Another issue in the article, would be the confusion that lies due to Trump’s character. Only a week ago during Ms. Ford’s testimony on the matter, he believed her statement on the issue was “‘very compelling’” (Paragraph 1) and then yesterday, it just does not seem to be too compelling to him anymore...Apparently it didn’t take too long for his opinion to change.
      The article discusses that Trump wasn’t there for what happened between Mr. Kavanaugh and Ms. Ford, and has no idea what Ms. Ford could have possibly gone through physically and emotionally. Therefore, Trump was consciously taking Mr. Kavanaugh’s side and not necessarily being considerate of the fact that Ms. Ford has a voice and deserves to be heard at the very least. This entire article was specifically written for voters to see the flaws of our president, his character, and his decisions. For example, nominating possible sex offenders into the Supreme Court to represent our country and the general public. I truly agree that this article is disheartening when it comes to viewing the leadership that “holds the United States in place.” I also could not agree with the last paragraph in the article where it emphasizes that “Mr. Trump’s mockery serve[s] to set back the nation’s progress in understanding this kind of crime and will discourage victims from coming forward
(Paragraph 7). The last thing this country needs is for its people to feel as if their voice is not heard or that there cannot be anything done for them in a time of distress. Especially with an issue as serious as sexual assault.

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Blog #7

Gender   Inequality in the US workforce is an ongoing issue that is becoming more and more evident each day. The unfairness of wages betwee...