Friday, November 16, 2018

Blog #6

After reading my fellow classmate Rabi's Blog Post about separating families, I have to say there were a lot thing things mentioned that I agree with. Truthfully, a very intentional post that she shared about his care for children that are unwillingly separated from their parents. I agree completely with Rabi in that I do not think immigrant families should be torn apart, but she really didn't have much information to back up his points. However, since this is such a relevant and sensitive topic, I was hooked while reading Rabi's opposition.

Rabi mentioned in her work that once these illegal immigrants have children who ultimately have citizenship, they should not be deported. This issue draws very near to me right now, considering I have a friend who is experiencing this exact issue. This friend of mine has a step dad who gave her mother residency, but is in jail right now and without him she could easily be deported. Of course, my dear friend is facing the consequences and struggling with the fact that there's a strong chance of her mother leaving, her little brother being put in a foster home, and her having no power to control any of it since she is not 21. Considering the statistics, "As of 2014, there were 12.1 million immigrants living in the US, making up 3.5-3.8% of the US population" (Robertson), millions of people are struggling with similar issues. The fear that sets immigrants apart from everyone else in our country. I would agree with Rabi, children who are ripped away from their parents because of this issue, are most likely prone to rebellion. However, I think that speaks volumes toward our country that we have people willing to open their homes to kids and providing for them in any way they can. The root of their help should ultimately come from love and care for the children, but I can see where the conflict would lie. For example, foster parents not truly caring for the children and not helping them initiate a normal lifestyle that they deserve.

I could not have said it better than Rabi, when she mentioned "For kids safety, for not destroying the love between families, and for the economy of a great nation, we should all take action to help stop families separations in the United States of America." It is our duty as citizens to help in any way we can, whether that's giving money to help support or even so much as to opening up our homes to best care for each other.


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Blog #7

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